Checkout Hotel Hirvihaaran Kartano Watch Video

Hotel Hirvihaaran Kartano

Located in Mäntsälä, Uusimaa region. Hotel Hirvihaaran Kartano offers unique and spectacular surroundings for meetings, conferences, recreational days, company events, weddings, and other remarkable events. The company tailor the experience for you and your group.

Hotel Hirvihaaran Kartano offers a blend of heartwarming individually designed high-quality rooms. The rooms in the manor are high quality and tranquil with the atmosphere of past ages. Breakfast is served in the stateroom with a garden view. On a sunny day in the summer, breakfast can be enjoyed in the garden. Complimentary gym is open for the guests dusk till dawn.

Located in the Helsinki metropolitan area, the hotel has 9 meeting rooms, holding 4-300 guests. The one of a kind Glass Pavilion is open throughout all four seasons. After recently opening Hotel Kartanon Meijeri the guest has the possibility to choose from 40 unique and high-quality hotel rooms.

There are also saunas, smoke saunas, and Hirvihaara’s genuine chimneyless smoke sauna. Soft balmy steam rises up to the seats on the steam loft, where the time stops, and the mind rests. In-between sauna sessions, you can cool down leisurely on the terrace under the trees. After some steam sessions, you can take a refreshing dip in the Mustijoki river. During winter, this can be done through a hole in the ice.

Hotel is only half an hour from Helsinki, city of Lahti, Porvoo, and Hyvinkää.


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